Student in front of computer in computer lab

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Certificates Available


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Testing Information

NOTE: Do not purchase a voucher unless you are doing retakes!

  • Exams are held in the Newhouse Editing Suites, Newhouse 2, 4th floor, room 472
  • Arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your exam time
  • Bring your SUID
  • All electronic devices must be turned off or silenced & checked in with proctor
  • Exam reservations are on a first come, first serve basis - you are allowed to reserve one date/time
  • Exams are 50 minutes in length
  • Breaks are allowed, but the testing clock cannot be paused
  • Pass/Fail grade is received by student immediately at the end of the exam
  • Student can view/print certificate in the My Transcript section of their Certiport account
  • If you have Accommodations, please choose a later time slot